Thursday, 18 November 2010

Social Enterprise

When hippies go entrepreneurs

Social Enterprise and Social Innovation discussed yesterday at E-Club, not overly impressed with the topic, to be honest. I mean, I really respect all the not-for-profit good-doing and world-saving work they are keen on, especially the passion with which they are trying to save all poor souls in this world, the climate and other stuff, but I guess it's just not my cup of tea. Hope it doesn't make me a bad person. Yesterday's event was featuring Claire Carpenter, founder of The Melting Pot, Scotland's premier space for social innovators. A couple of quotes I wrote down in my notepad at the event:

...It's going to cost you three times more and take three times longer than you think it is. If you knew it was, you wouldn't bother.

Many of us exist without e-mail, but Twitter - we love it!

I hate saying this, but people are becoming a marketplace

Claire was followed by a couple of other speakers, one of them bringing a fair bit of retardation to the conference: this woman, I'm not sure what kind of business she's doing, but presumably it has something to do with making people look like idiots. "Can everyone here please stand up. Now turn to the left, say your name and have a wee bit of laugh, turn to the right, clap your hands and have a wee bit of laugh, turn around and have a big silent laugh and dance..." WHAT THE F....!!! Guess it was just this bit that made me feel negative about the event.

Anyway, today I'm going to check out the Student Market presentation, event hosted by iCue.

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't call them hippies as this is kind of a negative term, but really, that was the first thing that came to my mind when we had this "laughing exercise"..
